Press release

F‑Secure partners with leading European telecommunications operator to deliver DNS security

Aug 15, 2023
3 min read

Helsinki, Finland – August 15, 2023: F‑Secure, a global leader in simplifying cyber security, announces a major partner­ship with one of Europe’s leading communications service providers (CSP). The strategic alliance will see F‑Secure’s DNS Security integrated into the operator’s mobile network, providing protection for its consumer customers.

The collaboration with the house­hold name brand, under­scores F‑Secure’s commitment to making all digital moments more secure for every­one. The partner­ship leverages F‑Secure’s expertise in DNS Security based on our security technology partner­ship in this space, to offer a convenient protection layer for mobile devices across the operator’s customer base. By integrating DNS security at the network level, users will experience seamless protection without the need for installation or regular updates.

DNS Security: a bespoke approach to network protection

F-Secure’s DNS Security represents a bespoke approach to safe­guarding network integrity. As threats evolve and multiply, the need for advanced protection is paramount. This partner­ship enables the operator’s users to remain shielded from threats while navigating the digital land­scape. Notably, DNS Security aligns with F‑Secure’s strategy of providing multi-layered security across personal devices, connected homes, and operator networks.

The tele­communications operator in question will become F‑Secure’s first partner to incorporate all three layers of F‑Secure’s security eco­system. Having all three layers in place allows communication service providers to offer attractive security propositions, protecting a maximum number of customers, and as a result, grow their consumer security business to its full potential.

F-Secure’s three-layer security eco­system

  1. F‑Secure Total – end­point security: Offers unparalleled online security, privacy and identity protection for phones, computers, and tablets, ensuring the broadest defence against a wide array of threats

  2. F‑Secure Sense – connected home security: Provides full visibility into home network traffic and extending protection to all devices in the home network. It also encourages the installation of end­point protection on personal devices

  3. F‑Secure DNS Security – network security: Delivers base­line protection to all devices within the communication service provider’s mobile and or fixed network, and catering to devices where users are not activating end­point security or connected home security

Empowering partners to confront evolving threats

The ever-evolving threat land­scape demands innovative solutions, said Dmitri Vellikok, Vice President of Network Security at F‑Secure. Our partner­ship with this prominent network operator is a testament to our dedication to meeting these challenges head-on. By providing a tailored DNS security solution that adds tangible value and convenience, we’re enabling users to navigate the digital world with confidence.

Vellikok adds, This collaboration reflects our belief that communication service providers will increasingly play a pivotal role in delivering a secure online experience for their users. We look forward to forging more partner­ships and reshaping the security land­scape.


F‑Secure makes every digital moment more secure, for every­one. We deliver brilliantly simple, friction­less security experiences that make life easier for the tens of millions of people we protect and our 200+ service provider partners. For more than 30 years, we’ve led the cyber security industry, inspired by a pioneering spirit born out of a shared commitment to do better by working together.